Archive for the ‘Adultery’ category

90% of men cheat…. including Tiger Woods?!?

December 2, 2009

Woods with wife and kidsWhen a celebrity so much as chips a nail, the entire country hears about it. Such is the case with the seemingly wholesome and flawless superstar golf champion Tiger Woods. For days, tabloids and gossip Web sites have speculated about what happened leading up to the 2:25 a.m. wreck Friday in which Woods crashed his truck into a fire hydrant and then a tree. Investigators have with the story of no “foul play” in the case of the accident, but the media and public are not buying it. I watched the report with a group of friends Saturday When the story originally broke, and said to my friends “Tiger must have pissed his wife off for her to be chasing after him with a golf club at 2:30 in the morning!” Everyone disagreed and went right along with what the report said; “…she was trying to rescue him,” they said to try to convince me but I already had my opinion of what most likely took place on the night leading up to the incident.

Here are some of the questions that popped into my head while listening to the reports:

1) Where was Tiger Woods going at 2:30 in the morning? I mean let’s face it, he isn’t the kind of guy who can go to the supermarket whenever he wants.

2) Why wasn’t he wearing any shoes? If Tiger was headed to a destination, it is HIGHLY likely that he would need shoes for whatever he was going to do. It is also very dangerous to drive barefoot.

3) If all he hit was a fire hydrant and then a tree (in an Escalade no less), why was his wife trying to “rescue” him with a golf club?! I don’t know much about cars, but I’m sure that truck would’ve been able o withstand being backed into a fire hydrant.

4) If the impact from the “accident” is truly what left Tiger out of sorts, why didn’t the air bags in his brand new Escalade deploy?

Earlier today, unfortunately Tiger Woods admitted having an affair and was quoted, “I have let down my family and I regret those transgressions with all my heart.” After I read this all I could think about was the book we read, Against Love and how Kipnis asks, “What is love”? She argues that “no answer appears to suffice, yet still it must be asked, and then asked again. She also asks, “Will all the adulterers please stand up?”I couldn’t help but think how many adulterers there really are.

At lunch today my friends and I had an interesting conversation about women, men, and love. One of my friends said that he thinks 90% percent of men cheat and 65 to 70% of women cheat. Then he said that it was different because women make emotional connections to the man and men just see it as an act and do not get emotionally attached. We figured that if the numbers were true (I believe they’re NOT) that would mean that only 1 out of 10 men truly practiced monogamy. I mean what ever happened to monogamy? Being in love and finding that one special someone who can give you what no other person on the planet can; the sanctity and exclusivity of marriage has seemingly been forgotten in our society. It is amazing to me how people can give up years of happiness for one night of lust and excitement. I’m not judging Tiger or anyone else for that matter. It’s just interesting to think about how our society is based around this institution of marriage, but yet the institution seems so broken with such high rates of divorce. It is crazy that this institution still does not allow people that are non-heterosexual to marry. I mean, clearly the system that is set up now is not one that should be modeled. So, is it not time for a new remolded institution to be instilled?

A Failed Attempt at a New Perspective on ABC

November 11, 2009

The reading of “Against Love” by Laura Kipnis offered me a perspective that, until this school year, I hadn’t been seriously confronted with. Of course I’d heard of people challenging the institution of marriage because it “doesn’t work,” etc., but I’d never seriously considered the reality of the feelings Kipnis describes in her book. I’ve been in the situation before, when feelings of desire for someone you “shouldn’t” be feeling anything for take over your mind and body, and I’ve felt the guilt that comes after it.  The guilt that follows is a peculiar feeling as it is a mixture of self-hatred and fantasy. (more…)